About the project

  • Date: Duration Upcoming 12 Months
  • Client: Inco Ltd.
  • Category:
Hydromet Plant Residue Ponds ARGENTIA, NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR A series of residue ponds for the Inco Hydromet Demonstration Plant included site overburden stripping, pond excavation and berm construction and the installation of geomembrane liners in all of the ponds.

Inco Hydromet Plant Residue Ponds

Mark Cullen, a division of Canada International Construction, constructed a series of residue ponds for the Inco Hydromet Demonstration Plant in Argentia, Newfoundland. The work consisted of site overburden stripping, pond excavation and berm construction and the installation of geomembrane liners in all of the ponds.

Project quantities included a total of 40,062 cubic meters of excavation, 911 meters of piping, over 56,485 square meters of geomembrane liner and 20992 square meters of geocomposite liner.